Major 4 types of Functional Interface in Java

Published on August 16, 2024

Exploring Java Functional Interfaces: An Overview with Examples

Functional interfaces in Java are a cornerstone of functional programming, introduced with Java 8. They allow you to pass behavior as parameters, making your code more flexible and expressive. There are four primary types of functional interfaces provided by Java's java.util.function package:

  1. Function<T, R>: Represents a function that takes an argument of type T and produces a result of type R.
  2. Predicate<T>: Represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) that takes an argument of type T and returns a boolean.
  3. Consumer<T>: Represents an operation that takes an argument of type T and returns no result.
  4. Supplier<T>: Represents a supplier of results that returns an instance of type T without taking any input.

Let's dive into each type with examples:

1. Function<T, R>

The Function<T, R> interface represents a function that takes a single argument of type T and returns a result of type R.


import java.util.function.Function;
public class FunctionExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Function that converts a string to its length
        Function<String, Integer> stringLengthFunction = str -> str.length();
        String testString = "Hello, World!";
        Integer length = stringLengthFunction.apply(testString);
        System.out.println("Length of the string: " + length);


  • stringLengthFunction is a Function that takes a String and returns its length as an Integer.

2. Predicate<T>

The Predicate<T> interface represents a predicate (boolean-valued function) that takes an argument of type T and returns a boolean.


import java.util.function.Predicate;
public class PredicateExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Predicate that checks if a number is even
        Predicate<Integer> isEvenPredicate = number -> number % 2 == 0;
        Integer testNumber = 10;
        boolean isEven = isEvenPredicate.test(testNumber);
        System.out.println("Is the number even? " + isEven);


  • isEvenPredicate is a Predicate that checks if a given Integer is even.

3. Consumer<T>

The Consumer<T> interface represents an operation that takes a single argument of type T and returns no result. It performs an action without returning any value.


import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class ConsumerExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Consumer that prints a string
        Consumer<String> printConsumer = str -> System.out.println(str);
        String message = "Hello, World!";


  • printConsumer is a Consumer that takes a String and prints it to the console.

4. Supplier<T>

The Supplier<T> interface represents a supplier of results. It does not take any input and provides a result of type T.


import java.util.function.Supplier;
public class SupplierExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Supplier that provides a random number
        Supplier<Double> randomNumberSupplier = () -> Math.random();
        Double randomNumber = randomNumberSupplier.get();
        System.out.println("Random number: " + randomNumber);


  • randomNumberSupplier is a Supplier that generates and returns a random Double value.


Functional interfaces in Java provide a powerful way to pass around behavior and create more flexible and reusable code. By understanding and utilizing Function, Predicate, Consumer, and Supplier, you can write cleaner, more expressive, and functional code. Each of these interfaces plays a distinct role and is used in different scenarios to handle functions, predicates, actions, and results.